behind the scenes on the re-shoot

for the last few weeks i have not been liking any of my photos - not sure if it happens to you, but sometimes nothing that you do seems to look or feel right - i think its called a creative block, although i'm hesitant to go that far in my descriptions of my photograph dissatisfaction!
so to combat this, i hauled myself off to ikea the other evening and got me one of these chairs and began re-photographing on the weekend.

i have to say that i'm much happier with the results (i'll post the full results shortly) but of course, re-shoots wouldn't be the same without a little helper and investigator......
oh, and in case you were ever wondering, check out strikk's headquarters of knitting....especially the wine glass!


Jesse said...

No wonder you knit so much, with an HQ like that! Looks like the perfect spot.

Deniz said...

love the new chairs! looking forward to new photos
and agree with jesse your hq is fab!

min-design-strikk said...

-fantastic pillows and nice color :)