family heirlooms?

i've been trawling ebay lately looking for a new computer chair (i'm leaning towards an eames inspired one) - whilst looking for said chair, i came across these arabia plates and bowls (yes, you can see how chairs and crockery go together) from the kosmos range.

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i couldn't understand why these looked so familiar and then i realised that my mother had a set when i was young. of course, i had to find out from her if she still had it, but alas, it seems to have disappeared over the years. a pity really as i wouldn't have minded aquiring a new dinnerware set, although i'm still in two minds if i actually like the design. if its something you would like, jelly-dog has them on ebay.

the only bit of arabia i have at this point in time in my life is this little jam pot with lid (photo courtesy of jemsbazaar) which i picked up for £5 at a fleamarket but see its worth considerably more.

right, whilst i contemplate if i am a lover of arabia kosmos, you have yourself a good weekend.

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