diy city magazine - the london issue

firstly, i would just like to say "thank you" for posting such sweet and kind comments over the last week - it really did make me feel a lot better. things are still a little tough, but we're just going to keep going bit by bit.
a while ago i was contacted to add a small feature to DIY Magazine's London edition - well, the magazine is now up and running and you download a copy here .
it was such a long time ago that i wrote my blurb that i have to admit that i forgot what i had submitted - looking at the work then its amazing how much what i knit now has changed. a good journey really.
have a look if you get a chance - some pretty cool things.


ATELIER said...

what a great magazine - recognised loads of fellow Folksy folk in there too

Deniz said...

look like a great mag- congrats to feature...
am going to download it now