big big sky

I was lucky enough to spend quite a bit of time recently in my home town, Cape Town.  One thing that always amazes me is the size of the sky (I know, probably sounds a bit odd but when you have a lot of grey, big sky is paramount) - so, a few of my favourite sky photos.


Stitchandwitter said...

Ahh love the third one down - gorgeous!

strikk handknits said...

ah, yes that one is my favourite too :-) x

Catherine said...

beautiful pictures, particularly the last one. Its funny how we describe some skies as big even when they must be the same the world over. We do really know that it is dependent on the landscape not the heavens but I know exactly what you mean

strikk handknits said...

thank you. completely agree on the big sky thing. i've been around too much grey for too long methinks :-)

strikk handknits said...

@ ohreallynowgetonwithsomething 'meh'? really? said...

Wow! Awesome photos Tanya. Especially the third and fourth. Looks like a beautiful place.

strikk handknits said...

ah, thank you Steven.
honoured you think the pics not too bad :-)